Thirteen months and the dynamics of the Mayan solar year

The Mayan year of 365 days began on July 26 and consisted of thirteen months. The thirteen months are characterized by the thirteen tones: the numbers 1 to 13. Each tone or number has its own characteristic. Thus one is the indivisible, the beginning, the magnetic force that attracts the necessary nourishment for growth and development. The two is duality in all its forms, but the third element is needed to create dynamics, the spatial is a fact. The four is concrete, the basis. Then the quintessence arises within that framework: the fifth, unifying and transcending creative element. Five is the number of the creative person. Man is now capable of taking action. This solar year of 365 days is one of the different calendars used by the Maya. There were calendars for different purposes, a sowing calendar for example, or the nine-month Tzolkin. Each calendar has its own dynamics.

  • The dynamics of thirteen phases
  • Magnetic Bat Moon
  • The first month runs from July 26 to August 22.
  • Lunar Scorpio Moon
  • The second month runs from August 23 to September 19.
  • Electric Deer Moon
  • The third month runs from September 20 to October 17.
  • Self-existing Owl Moon
  • The fourth month runs from October 18 to November 14.
  • Overtone Peacock Moon
  • The fifth month runs from November 15 to December 12.
  • Rhythmic Lizard Moon
  • The sixth month runs from December 13 to January 9.
  • Resonant Monkey Moon
  • The seventh month runs from January 10 to February 6.
  • Galactic Hawk Moon
  • The eighth month runs from February 7 to March 6.
  • Solar Jaguar Moon
  • The ninth month runs from March 7 to April 3.
  • Planetary Dog Moon
  • The tenth month runs from April 4 to May 1.
  • Spectral Snake Moon
  • The eleventh month runs from May 2 to May 29.
  • Crystal Rabbit Moon
  • The twelfth month runs from May 30 to June 26.
  • Cosmic Turtle Moon
  • The thirteenth month runs from June 27 to July 24.

The dynamics of thirteen phases

A workable system can be recognized in the structure of these thirteen phases, which does not only have to apply to these specific periods of the year. This rhythm of thirteen phases can also be recognized in longer or shorter processes or projects.

Magnetic Bat Moon

The first month runs from July 26 to August 22.

The Bat has transformative properties. To make a new start it is necessary to let the old that is not useful die off, so that a pure, clear beginning is possible. Be aware that your actions testify to what you want to attract, and vice versa: what you find in your reality is the result of thinking and doing.

Lunar Scorpio Moon

The second month runs from August 23 to September 19.

Here the polarizing forces of the two are at work. Duality in all its forms. But it is nothing more than an endless game of ping-pong. The challenge is to face the darkness of yourself and your life in addition to the light. This is existence in its projected form, Plato’s cave: we mistake the shadows for reality.

Electric Deer Moon

The third month runs from September 20 to October 17.

This is where the dynamics begin. The movement is quick and light, like that of a deer. Or is there already stagnation? In the game you are the one who sets the dynamics, always.

Self-existing Owl Moon

The fourth month runs from October 18 to November 14.

With the four, the foundation for what comes next has been laid. The score has been written and the music can be played. Four is the square, the four walls, the four seasons, the four directions. Without the four we are nowhere and we will get nowhere.

Overtone Peacock Moon

The fifth month runs from November 15 to December 12.

The power of the five is the radiance, the inspiration, the intention. The five is the quintessence. Within the four walls, the inspiring force is indispensable as the 5th element. The five fingers of a hand. The universal man, depicted by Michelangelo in the pentagram, the five-pointed star: four limbs extended, the head as the 5th and highest point of the star.

Rhythmic Lizard Moon

The sixth month runs from December 13 to January 9.

The movement finds its rhythm and balance. The energy flow continues steadily, as the walker walks in rhythm: left, right; unstoppable is the six.
The Lizard is the animal of the dream. It is appropriate during this period to turn inward. You come closer to yourself and perhaps closer to the dynamics that underlie your existence. Your strength and your treasures lie within you and want to be seen by you, they are inexhaustible. That’s where your motorcycle is.

Resonant Monkey Moon

The seventh month runs from January 10 to February 6.

Here, halfway through the year, coordination, inspiration and creativity are discussed. When things don’t go your way, it’s important to keep seeing the humor. Have you truly aligned with the higher purpose? Or are you lost in your own shadow?

Galactic Hawk Moon

The eighth month runs from February 7 to March 6.

The form that was established in the fourth month is given even more shape here. Harmony and integrity. What do you stand for?

Solar Jaguar Moon

The ninth month runs from March 7 to April 3.

This is a very powerful period; the solar impulse combined with the power of the jaguar. It is the period of the dawn of spring. The urge to manifest makes itself felt. You feel that you want to deal with that, what do you need? Do you have an overview of what is developing? Are you a pure channel?

Planetary Dog Moon

The tenth month runs from April 4 to May 1.

Now it becomes visible what has developed since the beginning of the year (July 26). That which you bring into manifestation is, as it were, the nourishment you give to this world. If it is good, then it is the product of love.

Spectral Snake Moon

The eleventh month runs from May 2 to May 29.

That which is not to your liking, what burdens you, what gets in the way, what belongs to the past or old patterns, can be let go during this period, thus creating space for desired or new developments.

Crystal Rabbit Moon

The twelfth month runs from May 30 to June 26.

The big picture becomes visible. Your small life, your small world, connects to that big picture, even if you don’t realize it. We are all connected. Seek out kindred spirits. Celebrate together the celebration of the big picture of which we are all part. Open your eyes and your heart and see the big connection.

Cosmic Turtle Moon

The thirteenth month runs from June 27 to July 24.

The turtle carries creation on its back.
The completion. You may feel the need to finalize some things, now is a good time to do so. Maybe you don’t feel that need, but you want to be carried. You are part of the unnameable. You don’t have to name it, it’s there anyway.

read more

  • The cosmic Tzolkin Mayan calendar
  • The Mayan archetype of White Wind and Quetzalcoatl
  • The nine-month cycle and the Mayan New Year
  • The power and dynamics of the Tzolkin era

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