Skin aging agents: threats to your skin

From the age of thirty, the first signs of skin aging usually begin to become visible. As you get older, the skin will become thinner, sagging and drier. There are a number of factors that accelerate the aging process, such as exposure to sunlight, smoking, stress, sugar and excessive alcohol consumption. It helps to take good care of your skin with a cream, but nutrition, stress and sufficient sleep also play a role.

Skin aging

Normal skin aging begins around the age of thirty, when the first signs become visible. It often starts with a few small wrinkles around the eyes, also called crow’s feet, after which the wrinkles become larger over the years and eventually appear all over the face. This is because the skin becomes thinner, weaker and drier as you get older. The skin becomes less elastic because less connective tissue is produced, there are fewer blood vessels in the skin and the number of functioning sebaceous glands will decrease. There are a number of factors that increase skin aging.

The sun

One of the biggest skin aging factors is exposure to the sun’s UV rays. Although you need sunlight to produce vitamin D, excessive exposure is dangerous. It increases the risk of wrinkles, dry skin and pigment spots. Years of exposure to a lot of sun can lead to skin cancer. Those who have been exposed to the sun a lot during childhood are particularly at risk. Anyone who regularly uses a sunbed can age their skin by as much as 20 years. About 90 percent of wrinkles are caused by the sun and only 10 percent are hereditary. When you expose yourself to the sun, it is better to apply a cream that contains a protective factor, for example factor 30.


Smoking is unhealthy, but it can also age your skin by up to 15 to 20 years. Cigarettes contain a substance that promotes the breakdown of elastic connective tissue. The skin becomes less elastic and this leads to deep wrinkles. Smokers often have more wrinkles on the face, especially above the upper lip, due to frequent cigarette smoking. They also have a duller and grayer skin color. Smoking also increases the risk of developing skin cancer.


Long-term stress affects you more than you might think. Stress accelerates the aging process in your body because the vitamin B supply is used up faster, which also affects the skin. You get wrinkles more quickly and premature graying of your hair. Stress often causes more sebum to be produced, which can clog the skin pores. This can cause pimples on your face later in life. Furthermore, stress can cause dull skin and spots.

Lack of sleep

If you sleep too little, you do not give the body enough opportunity to recover. This allows the oxidation process, which slows down the aging process, to proceed faster than normal. During sleep, the body replenishes moisture, making the skin look healthy and radiant. Sleep deprivation affects your hormone balance, which hinders the growth hormone and this affects your skin and hair. Sleep at least 7 hours a night for healthy skin.

Be careful with sugar

Everyone knows that too much sugar is unhealthy. Not only does it make you fat, but it can also lead to diabetes or headaches. Sugars attach to collagen in your skin, which keeps your skin elastic, making it less elastic. This will cause wrinkles to form more quickly, making you look older faster.

Crash diets

Losing weight quickly is usually not a solution for obesity because you often gain it back just as quickly as you lost it. It causes the so-called yo-yo effect, whereby during dieting you build up a shortage of healthy fats that are important for healthy skin. Your skin needs oil to stay supple. Strict dieting makes your skin dull and fluctuating changes in weight can cause the skin to become sagging.


Exercise is not only good for your muscles and fitness, but it also ensures better blood circulation in the skin so that your skin is better nourished. Sweating removes waste products so that they do not accumulate in your body.


Anyone who regularly drinks alcohol in excess will notice that their skin becomes drier. Alcohol not only removes moisture from the skin, but also important vitamins and minerals. When you drink alcohol, it is better to drink plenty of water with it.

Inhibit skin aging

You can influence some of the skin aging yourself. Be careful in the sun, apply sunscreen and wear protective clothing. Be moderate with sugars and alcohol and try to avoid stress as much as possible. Get enough sleep and if you smoke, stop. Make sure you get enough vitamin C for collagen production through your diet and drink enough water. If you suffer from dry skin, apply a moisturizing cream.

read more

  • Treatment of skin cancer (basal cell carcinoma)
  • The anatomy of the skin
  • The basics of skin care
  • Dry scalp: how can you best treat this?
  • Skin care to inhibit the effects of skin aging

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