Hair Wavz. That’s how they work

Hair Wavz are a modern method of curling hair, without the use of a heat source. Previously, you could curl your hair with a curling set (electric heat) or a curling iron (also electric) or with hot water curlers (this type of curlers are heated in boiling water). Sometimes a hair straightener is also suitable for curling hair. You can then choose whether to straighten or curl the hair. Heat is also the way to curl the hair. Hair Wavz does not use a heat source to curl the hair. How does Hair Wavz work? Hair Wavz curls your hair without causing your hair to burn or become frizzy. The Hair Wavz system is somewhat comparable to the old-fashioned papillotes . In the last century, women curled their hair with papillotes. Wet strands of hair were then wrapped around folded strips of newspaper and secured with a string or a piece of cotton with a bow tied. It didn’t cost anything. Just some newspaper and threads or an old rag to make bows. The wet hair was wrapped overnight and in the morning it was dry, and then it was unwound from the folded newspapers again. The result: a huge head of curls that could last for several days.

Hair Wavz principle

Hair Wavz look a bit like the old-fashioned papillotes. A Wavz is used per curl to shape the hair. The hair is moistened and twisted in the Wavz. A piece of hair is placed in the Wavz with a special stick. A Hair Wavz already looks like a curl because they are pre-curled. A Hair Wavz is flexible and soft. They are easy to put in the hair. The supplied swab is used as follows. You first insert the rod through one of the Hair Wavz. You twist a piece of hair once so that you can easily hook it to the rod, then you pull the rod back through the Hair Wavz. The section of hair is then in the curl former and curls up immediately. Then reverse the stroke at the top of the section of hair, unless you also want to keep the stroke in your curly hair. This is a matter of taste and you will soon learn how Hair Wavz works best and what results you can achieve with it. Some people use the Hair Wavz to create permanent curls, but this is better left to a hairdresser.

Sleeping with Hair Wavz

This won’t bother you much. They are soft and easy to press, but they are not very comfortable. It is better to use the Wavz on slightly damp hair. Curling takes longer on dry hair. You can use the Wavz on dry hair and then wet the Hair Wavz with a plant sprayer. You can also dry the Wavz with a hairdryer, but for your hair it is always best to just let it dry. Because a lot of air can enter, they dry quite quickly. If you do not use too thick tufts of hair, and simply moisten them slightly with some drops of water on your hands, you can use them damp and remove the curled (dried) hair from the Wavz fairly quickly. How long it takes to dry depends on the thickness of your hair strands. Maybe 15 minutes with a hair dryer, maybe 30 minutes to air dry. In the sun maybe 10 minutes. It’s best to try this out, because everyone’s hair is different. The Hair Wavz deliver a beautiful bunch of curls, just like with a curling set or curling iron.

Are Hair Wavz harmful to your hair?

This type of curlers is not harmful to your hair. No heat is used, nor any other aggressive means. The principle of this way of curling hair is that the hair takes the curled shape of the curled Hair Wavz and then dries in that shape in the Wavz.


  • Hair Wavz weigh little, and they don’t fall out of your hair quickly when you wear them.
  • They are harmless to your hair.
  • The curl is firm and lasts a long time.
  • Gives the hair (options) more volume (but that always applies to curly hair)
  • The different colors of Wavz turn in different directions. This allows you to create variation in your hairstyle.


  • You need more than one pack if you have a lot of hair.
  • If you have very long hair (longer than 45 cm approximately) the result may be disappointing. Then choose long Hair Wavz.
  • It is easier if someone else puts the Hair Wavz in your hair.

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