Tips to strengthen your immune system

On average, a person catches a cold 3.5 times a year, which puts pressure on our immune system. Your body has to endure a lot due to all kinds of factors, for example viruses, bacteria, stress, toxins, air pollution, sugars and negative thoughts. A well-functioning immune system protects you against all kinds of invaders, allowing you to get through the winter without difficulty. There are many things you can do to optimally protect your immune system.

The immune system

The body has a defense system that works 24 hours a day to fight invaders such as bacteria and viruses and to remove waste products. When invaders manage to get in, your body will fight it. This is manifested by, for example, fever, inflammation, cold or flu. On average, a person catches a cold 3.5 times a year, especially in autumn and winter. Your resistance has not worked optimally, but will fight the invaders.


Modern society puts the body through a lot and is constantly exposed to negative factors such as: stress, toxins, air pollution, sugars, bacteria, viruses, parasites and negative thinking. These are all different factors that weaken the immune system. With a well-functioning immune system you are protected and will not make you sick, weak or nauseous. You can do a lot yourself to optimally protect your resistance.

Get enough sleep

Many people do not allow themselves enough sleep or have sleeping problems. A good night’s sleep is essential to maintain a well-functioning immune system. During sleep, especially deep sleep, the body repairs itself and antibodies are produced that fight intruders. Lack of sleep not only makes you very tired, but you also have reduced resistance.

Avoid stress

Stress can negatively affect your immune system. It can make you sad and depressed and it can lead to physical complaints such as fatigue, muscle pain, headache and gastrointestinal complaints. Try to avoid long-term stress and don’t make it too difficult for yourself. Take the time for yourself to relax, for example by doing relaxation exercises or practicing your hobby.

Avoid sugar

Sugars are one of the worst culprits when it comes to immune infection. If you are not fit, it is better to avoid sugar as much as possible. By eating a sugary breakfast or eating a lot of sweets, you can straight up give yourself a cold. If you feel a cold coming on, take an extra dose of vitamin C.


Exercise is a very important factor for a strong immune system. It is not only good for your fitness, endurance, blood circulation, cell metabolism and a well-functioning heart, but also for your immune system. Try to exercise for at least half an hour every day and exercise three times a week.

Healthy food

Your immune system needs nutrients to stay strong. That is why it is important to eat healthy. Eat enough, not too much, vary and make sure you get the necessary nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fatty acids and enzymes. Mainly through vegetables, fruit, whole grain products, nuts, seeds, fish and lean meat. If you eat according to the Nutrition Center’s five-tiered diet, you will get enough of everything.

Vitamin D

Many people have a vitamin D deficiency, especially in winter. An important source of vitamin D is sunlight on your skin and this can be difficult in winter. Too little vitamin D leads to reduced resistance. During the winter months, a vitamin D3 supplement may be sufficient to reduce the risk of a cold.

Air pollutants

Try to avoid exposure to air pollutants such as exhaust fumes and cigarette smoke as much as possible. This also applies to inhaling spray deodorants and other chemical sprays and gases.

Think positive

People who are cheerful have better resistance than people who are pessimistic. By doing fun things, laughing or having a good time, you give the immune system a big boost.

read more

  • What can you do yourself in case of a sore throat?
  • Air pollutants: harmful to climate
  • Self-care for a cold: useful tips
  • Laughter therapy: laugh yourself healthy
  • Visit an allergist in case of food allergy

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