The healing power of kumquat

Kumquat is a small citrus fruit that can be eaten in one go, peel and all. The kumquat is a relatively unknown fruit. Perhaps that is why the medicinal properties of this fruit have only been explored since the beginning of the 21st century. Substances in kumquat have possible effects against cardiovascular diseases, among other things. NB! This article is written from the personal view of the author and may contain information that is not scientifically substantiated and/or in line with the general view.


  • General information kumquat
  • Naming kumquat
  • Essential oil
  • Antioxidants kumquat

General information kumquat

Kumquat is a citrus fruit that is eaten with the peel and stone. The fruit is quite small; it fits in your mouth in one go. The skin is soft and edible and tastes delicious. Kumquat is healthy. It contains a lot of vitamin C. 100 grams of kumquat contains 73% of the Recommended Daily Allowance of this substance. Other substances are contained in smaller quantities, but apart from vitamin K and selenium, almost all known and important vitamins and minerals are contained in this fruit.
The possibilities for using kumquat in the kitchen are endless. The fruit can be sweetened to serve as a candy. Marmalades are also made from it. You can put a kumquat in a fruit salad. It can be made into a sugar syrup.

Naming kumquat

The Latin name of kumquat is Fortunella crassifolia . In China the fruit is known as jingdan or meiwa kumquat. Kumquat is a citrus fruit that is not widely available in Europe. In addition to F. crassifolia, Fortunella japonica Swingle and Fortunella margarita are also grown in South China. This last type of kumquat is also called Nagami kumquat. There is another wild kumquat species: the Fortunella hindsii , called the Hong Kong Wild in English. Kumquat naturally occurs in the wild in China.

Essential oil

In 2012, Chinese researchers published a report showing the medicinal properties of kumquat essential oil. An essential oil is made from the peel of kumquat. The essential oil consists of different components. 25 of these components make up 92.6% of the essential oil. Kumquat essential oil has been proven to have antibacterial activity against the bacteria E. coli, Staphylococcus typhimurium, S. aureus, B. cereus, B. subtilis, L. bulgaricus and B. laterosporus . In addition, according to the scientists, the oil works remarkably well against the fungus candida albicans . The flavonoids found in the peel mainly concerned limonene, myrcene, camphene, alphalinene, alphapinene and a number of other terpenoids.

Antioxidants kumquat

In 2009, Greek researchers completed a study into the antioxidant effect of Fortunella margarita kumquat . It was seen that the kumquat has a strong effect on eliminating free radicals. The researchers saw indications that the peel contained many polyphenols. Free radicals can cause inflammation and cell damage. As a result, all kinds of diseases such as cardiovascular disease, obesity and cancer can emerge more quickly. Kumquat can help lower the risk of developing these diseases.

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