Resistance, what is it and how do you increase it?

To keep germs out, our skin protects us. However, due to the many threats from viruses, bacteria, parasites and fungi, they regularly manage to get into our bodies. Because we also have a biological immune system, we do not always get sick from all these invaders. However, if we did not have this natural defense system, we would be constantly sick. People with reduced resistance are therefore more susceptible to a virus or flu. Fortunately, there are plenty of tips and tricks to increase your resistance.

How does our natural resistance work?

Because our skin already blocks most germs from outside, the skin is also part of our resistance. Healthy skin will be able to ward off many more germs than skin with wounds, inflammations and other ailments. The germs that manage to get past the skin will first have to fight our internal immune system. This immune system produces white blood cells, which float throughout our body in search of germs. Once they find them, they will kill the germs and clean them up. It is a true protective mechanism that works 24 hours a day, but goes virtually unnoticed. Yet this can be made very clear by a rather grim example. When people die, you can see within a few hours that all kinds of invaders have gotten in. This is partly because your protective mechanism no longer works, your skin, the first obstacle for outside intruders, will easily let any intruder in. The deterioration of the body is therefore quickly visible.

When are you extra sensitive to lower resistance?

Mainly people with an unhealthy lifestyle will quickly develop lower resistance and become ill or catch a cold more quickly. That’s because the immune system now not only has to eliminate germs, but also deals with all the unhealthy traits of this person. For example, someone who smokes has a much lower immune system, because the cilia in the respiratory tract that protect us against germs are covered in tar and soot. This means they can no longer perform their work properly and numerous bacteria and viruses will enter.

Children are also a lot more sensitive to all outside intrusions than an adult. On average, a child catches a cold six to ten times a year. This is mainly because the immune system is not yet fully developed, making them a lot more susceptible to respiratory infections and numerous outside invaders. Many germs are very contagious, this also applies to a cold. Children have a lot of physical contact with each other and are therefore more likely to infect each other. Yet it is not a problem that children catch colds more often, on the contrary, this harmless disease ensures that children build up a strong immune system and are less susceptible to these germs in the future.

Just like children, the elderly often have lower resistance. Roughly speaking, all functions and organs of the older body start to function less and less. This also includes the immune system, which means that more and more bacteria, germs and viruses can enter their body.

What can you do to strengthen your resistance?

There are numerous options to strengthen your resistance and they are usually quite obvious. It is possible for everyone to increase their resistance with a few simple steps and to better protect themselves against all outside invaders.

  • Make sure you drink enough water
  • Eat healthy, make sure you get all the necessary vitamins, minerals and building blocks
  • Make sure you ventilate the house well
  • Exercise regularly outdoors
  • Avoid stressful situations
  • Do not smoke or drink moderately
  • Get a good night’s sleep (get enough sleep and rest)
  • Think of yourself, a ‘me moment’ can do wonders.

What can you do if you do catch a cold?

If you catch a cold despite strong resistance, germs have still entered. They are therefore very contagious and when someone sneezes or grabs your hand, you can catch this cold. Unfortunately, there is no medication for a cold, but you can cure a cold faster or alleviate the symptoms. It is best to take paracetamol for both adults and children. As an adult, ibuprofen can also help. If you mainly suffer from a nose cold, rinse your nose regularly with physiological water. If this does not work, consult your doctor to have special nose drops prescribed.

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