9 reasons to exercise

Exercising is all well and good, but why do we actually do it? Everyone knows that exercising is good and healthy for you, but it also takes a lot of time. When you complete a workout, you feel satisfied. But is it worth the time and motivation? These 9 reasons make it clear why exercising is definitely worth it.

You stay/get in shape

Exercise is important for everyone and is part of a healthy lifestyle. You get into shape by exercising a lot. Exercise alone will not get you there, dietary habits must of course also be adjusted. This way it is possible to achieve your ideal weight. By exercising and exercising more you will feel stronger, which will give you more self-confidence. This will make you feel better about yourself.

Condition improves

Your fitness will increase by exercising more. This applies to all types of exercise, both strength training and cardio. The extent to which fitness improves depends on how often you train. The more you train, the better your condition will become. Every time you notice that your fitness has improved somewhat, for example you can carry a heavier weight or run a km further, the training should become a little harder. This way you challenge yourself to continuously improve your fitness.

Resistance improves

The immune system improves through exercise. This ensures that you become ill less quickly. Regular exercise has a positive effect on cardiovascular disease. Exercise maintains blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Increase metabolism

The body burns an amount of energy to maintain itself. This is called metabolism. You can think of metabolism as the speed at which our body’s engine turns. The faster the engine turns, the more energy is burned. The more you burn, the more you can eat. The more you eat, the more healthy nutrients you get, provided you eat healthy of course. This will make you feel fitter. So make sure you continue to eat enough.

Reduces stress

When the body detects stress, it produces hormones. These hormones ensure that we can continue to function despite a stressful situation. By exercising, these harmful hormones can be removed from the body. This is due to the endorphins released during exercise. This substance makes you feel happy and makes the harmful hormones in the body disappear.

The production of neurohormones is also increased by exercising. Neurohormones ensure that we can think, learn and feel. The production of neurohormones can reduce stress by counteracting the effects of stress in the brain. In addition, exercise ensures that the functions in the body work together and communicate better with each other. This will also reduce stress.

Provides social contacts

Self-image improves through exercise. This will give you more self-confidence and make you more likely to approach a stranger to have a chat, for example. In addition, you have a better chance of meeting new contacts at the gym. After all, you are there for the same purpose. Sports also require you to be assertive. If you’re at the gym doing a workout and you need a certain weight that someone else is doing, you should ask for it. If you don’t do this, it could take a long time to get what you need.

Improves mood

Exercising is an ideal way to let off steam if you have had a bad day. Exercising causes chemicals to be released in the brain that make you relaxed and cheerful.

Combats fatigue

When you are tired, you prefer to do nothing. After work you collapse on the couch, which only makes you feel worse. By exercising properly, you will feel better again. It gives energy and makes you feel fit.

Better night’s sleep

Exercising makes it easier to fall asleep and you sleep deeper. An additional advantage is that you are rested the next day. This gives you more energy and makes you more productive during the day because you can concentrate better.

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