Delivery by caesarean section

The delivery by caesarean section can be either planned or unplanned. It can be performed via local or general anesthesia. For medical reasons, a caesarean section can be chosen in advance. If people always assumed that they would give birth naturally, an unplanned caesarean section could be a sensitive issue. If the first birth takes place via caesarean section, the second child can still be born through natural childbirth. Everything depends on the medical circumstances at that time.

When did you give birth by caesarean section?

If it is determined in advance (for example due to heart or lung problems) that there is a medical risk for a natural birth, it will be decided in advance to perform a caesarean section. In all other cases, this decision is only made at the end of the pregnancy, or even during the birth itself. It will be the gynecologist who decides whether or not to proceed with a caesarean section. Reasons for this may be that the mother’s pelvis is too narrow or the placenta is in the way of giving birth naturally. If the risk to the health of the baby and the mother becomes too great, the gynecologist will decide to proceed with a caesarean section.

Anesthesia for caesarean section

For a caesarean section, you can opt for local anesthesia or full anesthesia. If a caesarean section was planned, local anesthesia is used. This way the mother can consciously follow the entire birth process. Recovery after local anesthesia is also much faster than with full anesthesia. Full anesthesia usually takes place when a switch is made to a caesarean section during natural childbirth. At that moment there is not enough time and one quickly opts for complete anesthesia.

Source: Niky Filipova, Pixabay

Before and after the operation

For surgical intervention, a horizontal incision is chosen, across the lower abdomen. As soon as the uterus has been opened, the baby can be lifted out perfectly. The umbilical cord is then clamped and cut. The final delivery via caesarean section only takes a few minutes. Finally, the placenta and membranes are removed and everything is nicely dressed. Closing the abdomen takes longer than the actual delivery because several layers of tissue need to be sutured. After the operation, it is logical that you will have wound pain. The after-effects can also cause pain. Some women also feel very nauseous due to the anesthesia administered. Recovery after a caesarean section takes much longer than with a normal birth. You will be less fit than with a normal birth.

Feelings during a caesarean section

When a caesarean section is performed, the woman is often disappointed and disillusioned. If the birth took place under general anesthesia, the woman often has a feeling of having missed something. It is indeed a bit awkward to fall asleep pregnant and then wake up with a baby next to you. Even more annoying is the fact that you are often too weak to actually hold your baby. You can only admire him in that little bed. It is important to express your feelings after giving birth. Talk about it with your loved ones. In this way you deal with the possible disappointment of a caesarean section and reduce the risk of postpartum depression.

Can you breastfeed?

With a caesarean section with local anesthesia, you can latch your baby immediately after birth. After all, the anesthetic does not enter your bloodstream and therefore does not end up in your breast milk. When you wake up from general anesthesia, you are usually too miserable to immediately start breastfeeding. Stay calm and try to initiate breastfeeding step by step. If you gave birth via caesarean section, breastfeeding can help you create an intense bond with your baby.

What about your next child?

A first caesarean section is not a reason for a subsequent caesarean section. Each birth is carefully reviewed. For example, if your baby is not currently in the breech position, you can still give birth in the normal way. Every birth is different and the gynecologist will make the right choice for the health of the mother and the baby.

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