What is norovirus?

Noroviruses are tiny, highly contagious viruses. The norovirus causes a lot of abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

How does norovirus arise?

Noroviruses cause inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. It mainly occurs in winter.
You cannot see noroviruses. The presence of the virus on food does not lead to food spoilage, which is why many people are infected with the virus through food.

The norovirus is transmitted through feces and vomit, which usually ends up in the mouth through the hands. It is a matter of unhygienic practices, many people do not wash their hands or do not wash them properly after visiting the toilet. The norovirus can be transmitted by touching taps and door handles. You can also contract it by shaking hands with someone who has the virus.

The symptoms are vomiting and diarrhea. If you are infected with the virus you will notice it within 15 to 48 hours. The vomiting is often violent. Furthermore, headaches, stomach cramps, abdominal pain and muscle pain are also common symptoms.

Every year, about 500,000 people become ill from the norovirus. About 70,000 to 90,000 people become ill from the virus transmitted through food.

Preventing spread.

Preventing norovirus is very difficult.
Is there someone around you with the norovirus, or do you have it yourself? Try to prevent it from spreading.

  • Wash your hands regularly, for at least 15 seconds. Wash well between your fingers and also wash your wrists.
  • Always wash raw vegetables before eating them. The norovirus is often caused by food that has not been properly cleaned.
  • Do you work in elderly care and is the norovirus prevalent? Protect yourself! Wear gloves, a face mask, and an apron when caring for someone with norovirus.
  • Someone close to you with the norovirus? Don’t let him or her into the house for the first few days. If this has happened, disinfect chairs, door handles and toilets so that the virus no longer has a chance. Wear gloves, an apron and possibly a face mask.
  • If you suffer from the norovirus yourself, it is wise not to come too close to other people. It is wise to report sick from work or school for a few days.

Norovirus treatment

There is no treatment for norovirus. Most people suffer from the virus for 4 days and then lose it. So it’s a good idea to take good care of yourself and not come into contact with too many other people, because then you can easily transfer it. Drinking plenty of fluids is recommended to prevent dehydration.

If an infected person prepares food, the virus can also end up in the food. Even if an infected person vomits, the virus can be spread through the air. Even if you have not become ill from the virus yourself, the viruses can still be in your body and you can infect others with them. Infected persons are contagious 3 to 4 days before and after the outbreak.

Food and drink for stomach flu.

Drink as much fluid as possible, divided into small portions. This includes tea, water, juices and broth.
Because you suffer from vomiting and diarrhea a lot with stomach flu, you have to build up your diet again. Start with starchy products, such as white rice or white bread. Cooked vegetables are also a good choice, carrot puree and apple sauce are effective against diarrhea. You can also eat lean meat such as turkey, chicken breast, veal and fish. Gradually increase your meals.

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