The healing power of Mirabelle

The mirabelle is not a well-known tree. It is a type of plum with fruits that can be very sweet. The mirabelle varieties are slightly smaller than a normal plum. Some mirabelle varieties are only slightly larger than a cherry. It is an excellent fruit to heat for various cooking applications. You can eat it out of hand or prepare it warm; mixed with sugar it can be made into a jam. If you want something special in your garden, the mirabelle tree is a good choice. The mirabelle can grow excellently in the Netherlands and Belgium, although it is used to warmer regions, for example around the Mediterranean Sea. NB! This article is written from the personal view of the author and may contain information that is not scientifically substantiated and/or in line with the general view.

The mirabelle blooms beautifully. / Source: Harald Hillemanns, Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA-3.0)


  • Mirabelle tree characteristics
  • Naming Mirabelle
  • The plum or mirabelle
  • Mirabelle flowers
  • Good for digestion
  • Antipyretic and respiratory improving
  • Cosmetic application mirabelle tree

Mirabelle tree characteristics

The mirabelle has an oval shape, or an egg shape. It is usually yellow but can also be blue or dark purple, just like the common plum, which the mirabelle closely resembles and is related to. A mirabelle tree grows to three to six meters high. It grows most in Central and Southern Europe and North Africa, but can also grow in the Netherlands and Belgium and produce many fruits. In warmer regions the mirabelle retains its leaves, but during colder winters such as in the Netherlands the leaves fall to the ground.

Naming Mirabelle

The Latin scientific name of mirabelle is Prunus domestica subsp. syriaca . The word mirabelle comes from the Greek word murobalanon. Prunus is plum and domesticana means ‘cultivated’. Prunus domesticama is the general term for plum species. Syriaca means ‘from Syria’. In English-speaking countries, the mirabelle is often called Syrian plum. Sometimes the English say Syrian Christ plum. The duckweed plum is very closely related to the mirabelle, but it is not exactly the same tree. There are many different types of mirabelles. The best known come from Lorraine or in Dutch: Lorraine or Loreinen. The mirabelle is a popular fruit in France for making a cake.

The plum or mirabelle

Mirabelle is a tasty fruit. Mirabel can be eaten raw or cooked. Some varieties are slightly more acidic; these are generally used for cooking with sugar. A jam, sugar syrup or compote can be made from the mirabelle. The flowers of the mirabelle tree can also be eaten. The seeds can also be eaten but it is wise not to take more than a few due to the amygdalin content in them.

Yellow mirabelle flowers on the tree / Source: Manfred Heyde, Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA-3.0)

Some mirabelle varieties produce round rather than egg-shaped fruits.

Mirabelle flowers

Mirabelle flowers are an excellent garnish for an ice cream dish. The mirabelle flowers can also brighten up a salad. It is also possible to make a tea from the mirabelle flowers; similar to a lime blossom tea. For this purpose it is as good to prepare mirabelle blossom fresh as a tea as to dry it. Anyone who keeps mirabelle blossoms as tea can also drink it in the winter.

Good for digestion

Dried mirabelle fruit is a laxative. In addition, it is a stomach tonic. Digestion is improved by eating prune. A fresh plum also has this effect, but to a slightly lesser extent. The mirabelle is no exception to other plums; almost all plums are known for their laxative effect. This is partly due to their fiber content. Fibers have a positive effect on digestion and intestinal transit.

Antipyretic and respiratory improving

The mirabelle bark is a febrifuge. That’s because it contains a tiny amount of amygdalin. In large quantities this substance is toxic. Amygdalin is mainly found in the leaves and the pit of the fruit. It is found in small quantities in the bark or bark. A tea can be made from this. It is wise to use only a small amount. Amygdalin can provide a feeling of well-being in minute quantities. In addition, this tea stimulates breathing with a minimal amount of amygdalin. Digestion as a whole is also improved by a tiny presence of amygdalin.

The blossom is edible and you can make tea from it. / Source: Trachemys, Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA-3.0)

Make a hedge of mirabelle trees and pick the mirabelle trees at arm’s height; This way you avoid having to stand on a ladder to harvest tasty fruits.

Cosmetic application mirabelle tree

There is a cosmetic use of the mirabelle tree. The seeds are used as a facial mask. A puree of the seeds is a suitable moisturizing layer, especially for dry skin. The oil can also be used for the skin. If you have an oil press, you could make a kind of oil from the seeds yourself that you can use on dry skin. The seeds and oil are not suitable for excessive consumption. There is no harm in eating a few seeds.

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