Complaints in the pelvis and pelvic floor

We don’t know it about each other, but we certainly don’t have it alone. Complaints in the pelvis or pelvic floor are common. And during pregnancy the pelvis can react differently than we are used to. Hormonal changes that occur during and during pregnancy are the cause of this.

Source: Tome213, Rgbstock

Inability to hold urine or feces

Young and old can suffer from it or develop it. Men can also experience pelvic floor problems. Do you recognize a colleague who gets up several times during a meeting to go to the toilet? Maybe you recognize the check after coughing or sneezing or you also recognize the feeling of restlessness when you are exercising or shopping. Constantly keep an eye on where the nearest toilet is.

Other symptoms of pelvic or pelvic floor complaints include:

  • Constantly having difficulty getting up
  • Difficulty turning over in bed
  • Difficulty climbing stairs
  • Pain in the lower abdomen
  • Pain in the genitals
  • Subsidence complaints
  • Urinary loss
  • Pain during sex

Source: Mzacha, Rgbstock

The pelvic physiotherapist

You’re not the only one. Don’t keep pushing it and seek help. Fortunately, there are people who can help you. You can contact the registered pelvic physiotherapist. The pelvic physiotherapist can answer your questions and will try to identify the problems and complaints together with you.

Examination of the pelvic floor

An important part of the analysis of the problem and the complaints is examining the pelvic floor. This is a specialty for which the registered pelvic physiotherapist is ideally trained. It is important that the pelvic floor muscle can contract properly and quickly, but also relax.

Source: Coscurro, Rgbstock

Exercises and treatment of the pelvis

During the treatment you learn to recognize the muscles around the pelvis and use them properly, so that the pelvic floor muscles and the surrounding muscles once again form a coherent whole that you can rely on. This is done through exercises that sometimes use exercise equipment, such as a ball or fitness equipment.

Use of Myofeedback for pelvic complaints

The feeling of urgency within the intestines can be imitated with a balloon. Myofeedback is a way to make the degree of tension in the pelvic floor muscles visible and measurable. On a computer screen you can see exactly when you contract and relax the pelvic floor muscles.

Use of electrical stimulation for pelvic complaints

Electrostimulation can also be used to resolve your complaints. You can do a lot yourself at home using exercises and tips that the pelvic physiotherapist will discuss with you. The pelvic physiotherapist provides the right tailor-made solution. There is no standard therapy, but a personal treatment is provided, tailored to your specific situation.

Source: Photonut, Rgbstock

Don’t hesitate to ask for help, who knows, it could make daily life a little more enjoyable for you too. You regain control and therefore confidence in your own performance. Do the things you want to do again without worries

read more

  • 9 months of pregnancy
  • Arthritis: Back pain
  • Pregnancy and stress

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