Lose weight in a healthy way

We all do things like losing weight, losing weight or losing weight to get a tight figure. Wanting to be slim also keeps us very busy given social ideals. Even more important is healthy weight loss. There is absolutely no benefit to you losing five kilograms in one week, only to see these extra kilos appear on the scale again after a few weeks. Often a healthy dose of willpower and changes in dietary habits can go a long way. If you are not sure how to get started, it is best to ask your dietitian or nutritionist for advice. Some general advice can get you started.

Losing weight: take your time

If you start dieting, the goal should be to lose a few kilos in the long term, and preferably in a healthy way. Unfortunately, there are no miracle diets. Losing ten kilograms in a few weeks is quite possible, but certainly not healthy. This undermines the health of your body. These diets are like a yo-yo effect. Lose ten kilograms very quickly but also gain ten kilograms back very quickly. Losing one kilogram of body weight per week is a good goal. This way the kilos will not gain back quickly.

Carbohydrates are a real culprit

You can lose weight healthily with whole grain products. Eat smaller portions of carbohydrates. In addition to these smaller portions, you also continue to include fats and proteins so that the carbohydrates are absorbed more slowly into the body. In this way, blood sugar levels rise less quickly and sugars are less likely to be converted into body fat. Food products to avoid are cake, pie, white bread, pasta and so on.

Consult a dietitian or nutritionist

Under professional guidance, you know that you are on the right track to losing a few pounds in a healthy way. Visit a dietician who can give you nutritional advice. The dietitian will also motivate and support you. They are trained to see how you can lose the necessary pounds in the best and healthiest way, according to your own physical ability.

Fruits and vegetables are a must

Fruit and vegetables are both very healthy. However, vegetables are actually better than fruit during a diet. They contain very few calories and also a lot of fiber. In principle you can never eat too many vegetables. Fruit contains more sugars than vegetables, so it is best to eat less of it. Two to three pieces of fruit per day should be sufficient.

Avoid meat, eat fish

Meat types contain a lot of fat and are therefore not suitable for a diet. Fish, however, is very healthy. In addition, fish contains very few calories, many omega-3 fatty acids and can be perfectly combined with vegetables. It is recommended to avoid oily fish such as eel, mackerel, herring and sardines. Lean fish such as cod, haddock and sole are even better during a diet. In general it can be said that all types of fish are in any case better than meat. However, breaded fish should be avoided.

Stress undermines your diet

When stressed, stress hormones are produced that tend to promote fat storage in your body. Healthy weight loss and a stress-free life go hand in hand. Anyone who goes through life in an emotionally relaxed way will also lose weight more easily. In times of stress, many people also tend to dip into the candy cupboard. This is of course detrimental to your diet. You can arm yourself against moments of stress through relaxation exercises, sports, etc. Exercise is often the biggest obstacle during the diet. Anyone who has not exercised for a long time may find it difficult to start again. Exercise does not have to be intensive. The most important thing is that you are moving. This can be done by going shopping on foot, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, and so on. Two to three hours of exercise per week is perfect to support your diet.

Eat a large meal in the morning and light in the evening

If you want to lose weight, it is best to observe the following rule. Eat like an emperor in the morning, like a king at noon and eat like a martyr at night. The body needs energy in the morning and afternoon, while in the evening it is more likely to store nutrients and therefore fats. A light meal also digests better and will promote your night’s sleep. Don’t skip meals during your diet. So it is best to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner, with a few healthy snacks or fruit in between.

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