How to recognize and avoid stress?

Stress symptoms do not just happen. It is a signal from your body to say that your limit has been reached. When you are stressed, you will take on too much, which will cause your body to become overloaded and you will therefore no longer be able to respond in a fit and alert manner. Stress manifests itself through various stress symptoms that manifest mentally and physically. Your way of acting with your fellow man can also change profoundly. However, there are plenty of ways to avoid stress from your life. Sports, healthy food and a positive attitude will help you with this. You may experience stress before your delivery, but you may also experience stress at work. Stress can manifest itself in different forms. You may notice various symptoms in a person suffering from stress. Yet a given individual will be more sensitive to one phenomenon than to another. If someone has a stomach ache, eats too much or drinks alcohol, this does not automatically mean that someone is stressed. If stress symptoms persist for a long time, it can be suspected that this person is suffering from stress.

7 stress symptoms that you can recognize

Excessive eating resulting in obesity

Those who suffer from stress tend to eat a lot. Much more than is actually necessary for that person. People under stress cannot properly estimate how much food is enough for them. These people often have the feeling that it can’t do any harm, and they don’t feel like fighting against it because they don’t feel well. After the stressful period, people notice that they have gained a few pounds. But then it is already too late and one has to go on a diet.

Greater consumption of alcohol

Stress-sensitive people tend to drink extra alcohol to drink away their stress. This is obviously a wrong response. Alcohol will not solve the stress problem. A typical situation is a person who keeps ordering alcohol in a café. If one were to talk to this person, one would quickly notice that there are relationship problems or other underlying problems at the root of the drinking problem.

Losing your sense of humor

Your environment can recognize stress signals when you have been very depressed recently. If you were always very positive and humorous in the past, this may be a signal for those around you to recognize stress in you.

Consuming extra coffee
People with stress quickly reach for an extra cup of coffee. Coffee, however, will not help stress symptoms. On the contrary, it will make you even more stressed. It is recommended to drink no more than 4 to 5 cups of coffee per day.

Reacting angrily and aggressively

Those who are under stress often react very angrily. However, this is without any real reason for it. This may indeed seem very strange to those around you and it must be a signal that stress has taken over your body.

Always tired even after sleeping

People under stress often have a lot of difficulty falling asleep. They lie in bed at night worrying so they can’t fall asleep. A real stress phenomenon is that people can no longer sleep well. You go to sleep very tired, and you wake up tired. A sign on the wall that stress has crept into your body.

Not daring to make or postpone decisions

Making the right decision is not always easy. If you are under stress, it is even more difficult for you to make the right decision in a well-reasoned manner. This is noticeable in both your private and working environment. At work, for example, you may have the feeling that even the smallest problems are no longer surmountable and that you therefore cannot make the right decisions. You also don’t really dare to make decisions at home anymore, because you don’t feel great. The decisions are often postponed.

How can you prevent or avoid stress?

Eat a healthy basic diet

Those who eat healthily and consume all the necessary nutrients will be better equipped to cope with stress. Stuffing your body with fast food or fatty foods has a detrimental effect on your mental health and well-being. Fruits, vegetables, fish and grains are a must to avoid stress.

Exercise regularly

Sport is the ideal anti-stress medicine. While exercising you can sort everything out, which will make you very calm again. After exercising you have the feeling that you can place everything better. During exercise, a lot of oxygen flows through your body, giving you a lot of energy. Energy you need to protect your body against moments of stress.

Positivity is the anti-stress agent par excellence

Having a positive outlook on life makes life more pleasant and bearable. People who see the positive in everything will be less sensitive to stress. It is precisely the people who are negative all the time who bring stress to themselves and those around them. A positive attitude, day in and day out, can relieve a lot of stress.

Stress at work

Stress at work gives an unpleasant feeling. It makes you tense and you have the feeling that every task you are assigned is becoming too much. Anyone who has too much stress runs the risk of burnout in the long term. A disease with a complete protest of your body in terms of physical and mental flexibility. The dangers of stress at work are certainly there. Now that more and more is expected of the employee for the same wage, the employee must be strong in order to reduce the risks of overload. An occasional break, a healthy diet, a priority list and a conflict-free working environment should be able to avoid stress at work.

Stress before childbirth

Childbirth can also cause a lot of stress. There are many tasks to complete just before the actual delivery. The birth announcements, children’s clothes, baby shower invitations, choosing a godmother and a godfather for your baby make the period just before the birth extra busy. After all, you can prevent many things. Make a to-do list of what still needs to be done and you will notice that you can manage the stress.

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