What you should and shouldn’t eat when you are pregnant

Almost everyone agrees on certain products: do not smoke or drink during pregnancy. The harmful substances that can affect your unborn child can have unpleasant consequences. But it doesn’t just stop at cigarettes and alcohol. When someone is pregnant, she is overloaded with opinions and information about products that should certainly not be eaten during pregnancy. But which products should we really not eat during pregnancy? And which products or nutrients can we take more of?

Extra nutrients

You are pregnant, usually very fun but also exciting. You now no longer only take care of yourself, but also of the miracle in your belly that will develop into a real baby. To help your child develop optimally, it is best to take extra nutrients.

Folic acid

You should actually start taking extra folic acid if you want to become pregnant. It is recommended to take it until at least the second month of pregnancy, because it is precisely during this period (period of fertilization) that folic acid greatly reduces the risk of neural tube defects (spina bifida). It is best to take folic acid in the form of a supplement of 0.4 mg per day.


Iron ensures the production of red blood cells in our body. It is therefore important to take sufficient iron during pregnancy. During pregnancy, our heart has to pump harder to circulate sufficient blood through our body. With a healthy and varied diet you often get enough, but it can’t hurt to take some extra iron-containing products every day. Think of lots of green (leafy) vegetables such as spinach, lettuce and sprouts.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 also helps in the production of red blood cells, but at the same time ensures proper development of the nervous system. A deficiency of vitamin B12 can lead to a deficiency of folic acid, which can cause anemia. You can find vitamin B12 in many animal products such as fish, milk, meat and eggs.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C helps with the absorption of folic acid. Products with a high vitamin C content in particular retain more folic acid during heating (for example cooking certain foods such as potatoes and peppers) than products with a lower vitamin C content.


You need more calcium during your pregnancy. Calcium ensures a strong bone structure and strong and healthy teeth. If you are pregnant, it is best to ensure that you consume at least half a liter to 750 ml of milk. During pregnancy, your calcium intake is greatly increased.

Omega 3 fatty acids

For optimal brain development of your baby, you need omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids can mainly be found in oily fish such as (red) salmon.

Some foods are better not to eat when you are pregnant

Just as your unborn child can use some extra nutrients, there are also nutrients and certain foods that you should be careful with.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is healthy, but it is better to avoid taking too much during your pregnancy. If you take an overdose of vitamin A, this can have harmful consequences for your unborn child. For example, it can lead to congenital defects. Make sure that you do not consume more than the daily amount offered and certainly do not exceed the threshold of 10,000 IU per day. Here too, if you eat well and healthy according to the nutritional triangle, you will get more than enough vitamin A.


During pregnancy it is best to be careful with liver and liver products. This contains a high dose of vitamin A, which can have harmful effects on your unborn child.

Raw meat & raw fish, crustaceans and shellfish

It is better not to eat raw meats such as fillet American, roast beef, preparé, tartare, chorizo, salami and carpaccio during pregnancy because of the possible parasites they contain. Boil or fry meat and fish until completely cooked, so that the parasites are killed. Fish, crustaceans and shellfish can contain listeria bacteria, so make sure these products are fully cooked or skip them during your pregnancy.

Raw eggs and raw chicken

It is best not to eat foods that contain raw eggs, as well as raw or undercooked chicken, during pregnancy. There is a chance that salmonella bacteria are present in this, which can make you quite ill. It is also best to store eggs in the refrigerator. Products that you should therefore avoid during pregnancy are: bavarois, mousse or homemade mayonnaise.

Additional nutrition tips during pregnancy

  • The basis for nutrition is the same for everyone. Whether you are pregnant or not, make sure you eat according to the nutritional triangle.
  • Be careful with raw, unwashed vegetables, as they may contain listeria bacteria
  • Limit your coffee consumption during pregnancy to a maximum of one cup per day
  • Wash your hands after every (preparation of) meal
  • Be careful with raw milk (products), because they are unpasteurized, which means they can contain many bacteria
  • Always keep an eye on the expiration date; it is better not to eat products that have been open in the refrigerator for more than 12 hours.

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