Does a tattoo hurt?

Many people consider getting a tattoo, but they are afraid of the pain. Does getting a tattoo hurt, or is it not so bad? Of course this will differ per person. However, there are some factors that you can take into account. What about the pain of a tattoo? Does a tattoo hurt? 0


Tattoos are decorations on your body. Ink is injected into your skin with a needle, leaving a permanent image or text on your body. Tattoos are done for all kinds of reasons, for example because they have a certain meaning, or because you really like tattoos. There are many people who consider getting a tattoo and they are mainly afraid of the pain.

Does a tattoo hurt?

A tattoo is done with a needle and the best answer to the question of whether it hurts is: yes. Yet the pain of a tattoo depends on several factors. Maybe you’ve asked someone if it hurt and the answer you got was: I barely felt anything. That may sound unbelievable, but it may indeed be the case. This may have to do with the adrenaline and the place where you get a tattoo. Your own attitude is also very important.

How does it actually feel?

What does it actually feel like when you get a tattoo? The pain can be compared to a graze wound. An advantage during tattooing is that you often only really feel something when the tattoo is being placed. If the needle does not go into your skin, the pain is immediately reduced. The tattoo artist can also stop for a while if you think it is becoming too painful.


Most people who get a tattoo release adrenaline. If someone says that he got a kick out of getting the tattoo and felt almost no pain, this may have something to do with adrenaline. Adrenaline can also be a reason why people are addicted to getting tattoos.

Location of the tattoo

How much it hurts to get a tattoo depends on where you get it. For example, it can be a lot more painful when there is bone or muscle just under the skin. Also, certain places are more used to it. For example, your upper arms can withstand a blow and this will make it less painful, while the inside of your upper arms are much less used to it and can therefore be much more sensitive. Some places known to be more painful include:

  • Feet (especially the toes and instep)
  • Ribs
  • Back (especially where the vertebrae are)
  • Elbows
  • Near or on the nipple
  • Liezen

Scars and tattoos

Getting a tattoo over a scar can be extra painful. However, this does not have to be the case. There are also people who hardly feel anything during a tattoo due to the scar tissue. Be sure to check in advance what the skin is normally like. If the scar is already a sensitive spot, you may experience significant discomfort while getting a tattoo.

How long does it take to brew?

When you get a tattoo, you will notice that the pain is not too bad at first. However, everyone has a certain point where it becomes more painful. After a few hours, your body will probably not cope as well. For this reason, many tattoos are not placed in one go.

Own pain threshold

Of course, your own pain threshold is very important when you get a tattoo. The higher your own pain threshold, the easier it will be for you. Also keep in mind that pain can also partly be in your head. If you are concerned about the pain in advance, or if you are afraid of needles, the pain can be experienced as much more intense.

Healing process

Depending on the location of your tattoo, you may still experience pain during the healing process afterwards. After all, you have a wound on your body and you can feel it. It is especially noticeable if you have placed the tattoo in a place where the skin moves regularly. If you take good care of the tattoo, the pain will soon become much less. After a few days to a week, the skin will start to peel and this can be very itchy. That is also something to take into account.

Afraid of the pain

Are you afraid of the pain, but do you really want a tattoo? Then remember that the pain is only temporary. Tell the tattoo artist in advance about your fears and he or she can take them into account during the tattoo process.

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  • How do you choose a tattoo parlor for your tattoo?
  • Get a tattoo if you are under sixteen
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