The principles of successful thinking

The fact is that the degree of control over our consciousness determines the quality of our lives and the ability to reach our full potential. People who have developed the right mental discipline earn more money, have more opportunities, hold higher positions at work, demand respect, and are better able to form meaningful professional and personal relationships. Unlike those who cannot control their thoughts; they fight an inner battle that sabotages their ability to focus and think clearly. So this damages their earning capacity and until change is visible, it hinders their overall competence, focus and (professional) progress. Since our inner monologue is of great importance to the ability to succeed at work, it is also important to analyze the other benefits of our thought process. How does the thought process affect our ability to lead? And to what extent are we able to implement workable strategies before we have successfully disciplined our thought process?

The benefits of an improved thought process

It’s hard to put a value on the importance of changing your thought process. Do not underestimate this importance. Only when we are able to filter self-defeating thoughts (for example, focusing on what is not possible) can we begin to realize the benefits derived from an improved thought process.

Combined with increased creativity, awareness and revenue-generating potential, the rewards of positive, successful thinking include:

  • Resilience . Successful thinkers are better able to turn seemingly hopeless situations into challenges that can be overcome.
  • Intuition . Successful thinkers are able to put aside daily distractions and mental noise. They see beyond their own point of view.
  • Capacity to learn . Controlled thinking allows you to reflect on past successes and failures and learn from them in a non-judgmental, therefore productive way.

Change in thought processes in relation to leadership

For managers and aspiring future leaders, recruiters have seen that control over our thinking drives leadership. Control over our thinking provides insight into whether we are suitable leaders and tells us who we are:

  • It enables a person to convince subordinates of the vision in a clear and compelling manner.
  • It enables a person to anticipate upcoming challenges more successfully and confidently.
  • It enables a person to seize opportunities when the time is right.

Start the transformation

All changes in your thoughts come from recognizing that the power to change your thinking lies entirely with you.

  1. Take responsibility . The sooner you learn to take responsibility for the choices you make, the thoughts you have, and the attitudes you embrace, the sooner you will have the life you want.
  2. Invest yourself in everything you do . You often distance yourself from your daily obligations out of boredom or because you are overwhelmed by negative thoughts. When an individual disconnects from this, he is open to thoughts that are counterproductive. Start taking pride in every thing you do, this cultivates a mindset that will contribute to success.
  3. Dream one size bigger . By forcing yourself to dream bigger, to imagine your organization a bigger size, to set your (professional) goals outside your comfort zone, your mental skills will be forced to grow.
  4. Keep learning . Never be satisfied with what you already know. Developing a successful state of mind includes consistently meeting new people, learning new skills, reading new books, and attracting other people who can do things you can’t.

Practice, repetition and dedication – it’s not enough to know how to cultivate a successful state of mind. Knowledge is of little use without discipline and an unprecedented desire to implement that knowledge. To cultivate your thoughts in a way that promotes success and promotes achievement, you need to practice in the same way as athletes or musicians. Don’t stop until you get it done.


The truth is that the human brain has enormous untapped potential. To achieve our goals, it is necessary to learn how to tap into these reserves and use them for a better career and more satisfaction in our personal lives.

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