10 reasons why you should choose a biological dentist

Just as you choose organic food, you could also consider other substances that are present in your mouth. The biological dentist deals with this very consciously. He uses little or no toxic substances, such as amalgam and fluoride. He takes into account the possible effects of dental materials and procedures on your overall health and our environment. In addition, some biological dentists look at their patients from a holistic perspective. They ask themselves what connection there is between the oral complaints and the health of the rest of the body. There is more and more choice in the type of health treatments. This ensures that we think carefully about what we allow into our body. It can also be overwhelming to select the most suitable one from all the options. Therefore, below are 10 reasons to make the choice for the biological dentist an easy one:

No amalgam

Amalgam is a dental filling material used to fill cavities caused by tooth decay. It has been placed in hundreds of millions of patients for more than 150 years.
An amalgam filling is a mixture of metal oxides, consisting of liquid mercury and powdered alloys of silver, tin and copper. About 50% of amalgam may contain elemental mercury. These fillings are also known as “silver fillings” because of their silver-like appearance.

Biological dentists will not offer amalgam as an option. The mercury vapors released during installation are toxic to humans and the environment. The fillings themselves also slowly release mercury vapors. Every time you chew, mercury vapor is released and quickly finds its way into your bloodstream, where it causes oxidative processes in your tissues.

Oxidation in the body leads to inflammation, including inflammation of the walls of the blood vessels. When this happens, it increases your LDL level as your body tries to repair those damaged artery walls with cholesterol. LDL is a carrier of cholesterol. For this reason, people with mercury poisoning have damaged blood vessels, and elevated cholesterol and LDL levels.

Mercury also hinders the body’s ability to detoxify itself and fight inflammation. Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and other neurological diseases have been linked to mercury exposure.

Although most traditional dentists no longer place amalgam fillings, it was biological dentists who had not used amalgam for years. It is significant for the critical stance they take regarding commonly accepted views on oral health.

No fluoride

A biological dentist is aware of the studies showing that fluoride can have negative effects on the brain, lead to white spots on the teeth, increase the risk of fractures by weakening the bones, and can be harmful to the thyroid gland . Instead, he or she will thoroughly investigate a patient’s eating habits and determine if foods are being consumed that de-mineralize and weaken teeth. By developing a plan for good prevention, good oral cleaning and good nutrition, with regular check-ups, tooth decay can be minimized or even reversed.

No crowns

A biological dentist is very conservative in drilling and pulling. A filling can weaken a tooth, and a crown requires a lot of tooth tissue to be ground down. A crown will only be used as a last resort.
If it is necessary to drill a tooth or molar, he will leave it intact as much as possible. If the cavity is too large, an inlay will be considered. An inlay is a piece of filling material that is placed in the chewing surface of a molar. The dentist makes an impression of the tooth and fills the tooth with an emergency filling. After a custom inlay has been made by the dental technician or the dentist himself, it is fixed in the tooth during a second treatment.

No sealing

Sealing materials are generally made with hormone disrupting Bisphenol A (BPA), which a natural dentist would never use. There are BPA-free sealers, but the alternative BPS is used here, which recent studies show is just as harmful as BPA.

Few x-rays

A biological dentist will rarely perform X-rays, and certainly will not perform them on children. Exposure to X-rays is cumulative and increases the risk of brain tumors, so the less the better.

Every patient is different

Holistic biological dentists believe that each person responds differently to different dental materials. They will perform blood tests or muscle tests before treatment to determine which filling material is best suited. For a holistic dentist, history and health status partly determine a patient’s oral health.


For a biological dental procedure, homeopathy will be used instead of medicines if possible. This means that fewer painkillers need to be used during treatment. The dentist will also recommend certain vitamins or other foods to accelerate healing and prevent infections. This is a healthier alternative than antibiotics.

Do not remove wisdom teeth

More than two-thirds of wisdom teeth extractions are not necessary at all, says Dr. Jay Friedman DDS in a study published in the American Journal of Public Health. Some people who have their wisdom teeth extracted subsequently suffer from “permanent paresthesia”; a dull feeling of the lips, tongue and cheek due to nerve damage during surgery.
Biological dentists only remove wisdom teeth if they cause a problem, for example if a cavity develops in the tooth.

No root canal treatment

In many cases, a biological dentist can cure infected teeth through homeopathy, herbs, and/or the removal of toxic dental materials in and around the tooth. Nutritional support can also eliminate the need for root canal treatment.
Root canal treatment followed by a crown destroys molars and creates a continuous flow of harmful bacteria into the bloodstream.

Critical and progressive

As shown above, a biological dentist will not automatically go along with what is common in dental practices. He considers it his calling to do his own research and determine which methods and materials are the least harmful to his patients. A biological dentist also pays a lot of attention to his patients, because he sees more than just teeth that need to be treated. Finally, he looks even further, at the short and long-term effects of his professional actions on the environment.

Choosing a biological dentist is a healthy choice for yourself, your loved ones and your environment!

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