Tips for menopausal complaints during a woman’s menopause

A lot changes in a woman’s life during menopause. Changing moods, hot flashes and depressive feelings are just an example of what someone can experience. Complaints can be greatly reduced by taking simple measures. A good diet and sufficient exercise are very important. You can also use additional tips to deal with menopausal complaints even better.

What do we mean by transition?

Menopause is the last menstrual period, the period leading up to it is called menopause. The menopause usually starts around the age of 50, but earlier is also possible. During menopause, women may suffer from hormonal fluctuations that disrupt the menstrual pattern and cause your period to occur at unexpected times.

Low estrogen levels

The low estrogen level can cause osteoporosis (bone decalcification), the skin becomes drier and shows more wrinkles. This also includes hot flashes, tingling hands and feet, dizziness, sweating attacks, tiredness, irritability, sadness, feelings of anxiety and little desire for sex. The hot flashes happen spontaneously, but stress or alcohol have a stimulating effect. Heat attacks are especially annoying at night.

Weight gain during menopause

Some women gain weight during menopause, usually this has nothing to do with the menopause itself but is caused by incorrect eating habits. People who get older will also generally use less energy and can make do with fewer calories. Another reason that a woman becomes fatter more quickly during menopause is that her muscle mass decreases. In addition, stress causes blood sugar levels to fluctuate, causing a person to crave sweets more.

Menopause is a difficult phase of life for a woman

Even with irregular periods once every three or four months, the risk of pregnancy remains present. Only if a woman has not had her period for a year or more will she no longer be fertile. The realization that the childbearing years are over or children who are starting to stand on their own two feet can cause your goal to disappear from one moment to the next. It is not uncommon for a woman to no longer feel sexually attractive. Complaints that women experience can be effectively treated with hormones, the question of course is whether this is desirable. Hormones increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, breast cancer and stroke.

Source: Rayne27, Pixabay

Measures that can reduce menopausal symptoms

To reduce menopausal symptoms, you can try the following:

  • do not use alcohol and tobacco
  • make sure you get enough vitamin D
  • eat healthy and varied; lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, fish, nuts, legumes, eggs and grains
  • use little meat
  • drink a lot of water
  • keep moving; swimming and walking, preferably in the fresh air
  • do not use salt in food and use spices sparingly
  • eat fresh rhubarb compote

Tips for menopausal complaints

For hot flashes, you can place a wet washcloth on the neck or briefly hold your wrists under a cold tap. If you suffer from night sweats, it helps to take a lukewarm shower and preferably wear natural fabrics such as cotton in bed. It helps if you wear layers of clothing during the day, so you can take some off.

  • take a bath twice a week with pine needle extract
  • make tea against menopausal symptoms
  • apply acupressure

Source: Cocoparisienne, Pixabay

Tea ingredients

  • 10 grams of real valerian
  • 20 grams of peppermint
  • 20 grams of chamomile blossom

Mix all the ingredients, take 1 teaspoon of the mixture and pour it with a cup of boiling water. Let it cool down and drink this tea three times a day.


To do this, massage your upper right abdomen with the right index finger on the most sensitive spot. Then press the index finger into the bend of the elbow, applying pressure all around. Then press a thumb against the nail side of the middle finger of one hand and simultaneously massage the inside of the wrist of the other hand with the thumb of the same hand. Do not let the treatment last longer than about 7 seconds. In addition, you can have your back massaged with a (bath) brush. This may be done firmly.

Take good care of yourself during the transition

In addition to good nutrition and sufficient exercise, it is important that you listen to your body. Do fun things, treat yourself, have a massage and talk to others about your complaints. It makes a big difference if there is understanding of the immediate environment. Although menopausal symptoms are often very annoying, the menopause itself is a normal process. One woman will suffer more from both physical and mental changes than another woman.

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