Babies and eczema

Does your baby have red spots on his body and also suffer from itching? Is your baby very restless when you put him in his crib? Do you find your baby in different positions all the time? Then there is a good chance that your baby has eczema. Unfortunately, your baby cannot indicate this himself and you will have to recognize the symptoms. Eczema occurs in 5 to 10% of babies and is unfortunately not curable. Children usually grow out of it at some point, but there is a chance that eczema will return at a later age.

What is eczema

Eczema is an annoying skin condition in which the skin shows an inflammatory response with symptoms such as itching, dry skin, red spots and flakes. Your baby mainly suffers from itching and will become very restless and will therefore sleep poorly. The more your baby scratches itself, the more eczema will spread. The reason why your baby has eczema is not so easy to answer. This can be hereditary if one of the parents has it. Eczema can also be caused by environmental factors such as heat, cold, dry air or perhaps certain substances that the skin comes into contact with. But fatigue or stress can also bring out existing eczema.

Eczema usually starts in children between the ages of three months and two years. The eczema is mainly on the cheeks, neck, back, back of the knees and on the hairy scalp. Many children grow out of eczema at some point. Children usually no longer suffer from eczema after the age of five. Some children continue to have the symptoms until puberty and may develop them again at a later age. Some of the children continue to suffer from it.

What can be done against eczema

If you suspect that your child has eczema, make sure you are referred to a pediatrician as soon as possible. The referral is made via the GP. Eczema is not curable, but it is very treatable. Most babies with eczema have dry skin and it is necessary to keep the skin oily. Vaseline can be used for this, but also a cooling ointment that can be prescribed by the doctor. If keeping the skin oily is not enough, the doctor can prescribe a hormone cream. You may need to use this cream for a longer period of time. A hormone cream can have serious side effects if used incorrectly, so follow the doctor’s instructions carefully.

In addition to the above medication, you can also take a number of measures yourself. First of all, make sure that your child is not dressed too warmly. Heat stimulates eczema in your baby and it is therefore important to dress your child lightly and not too warmly. This is especially important during sleep. As mentioned above: make sure that your child’s skin does not dry out. Regularly apply a moisturizing cream to the skin such as Vaseline or a cooling ointment. Also make sure that your child does not scratch. Cut his nails short and if that doesn’t help, make sure your baby wears gloves. Try to avoid scented products such as fabric softeners and detergents. It is also better not to use perfumed products such as shampoo, bath foam, etc. If you have sensitive skin, it is also better to opt for cotton clothing and blankets. Cotton does not irritate the skin.

The sooner you start treating eczema, the sooner your child will have peace of mind. So if you suspect that your child is suffering, do not wait to take action.

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