Health: Chest pain

If you have chest pain, you quickly think that it may be related to the heart. Of course that is possible, but it is only one of the possibilities. Often the cause lies elsewhere. It goes without saying that you still want to know what is going on with you. There are several things that can cause pain in the chest area.

Sensitive pain

Pain is never pleasant, but in the chest area we quickly look at the number one cause of death, the heart. Pain in the region of the heart immediately sets off alarm bells for many people. Now, being alert is certainly not a bad thing, but immediately starting to stress is the other extreme. There are several things that can play a role in the chest area.

What is it and what do you do about it?


If your esophagus does not function properly, heartburn can cause quite a bit of pain and bite. Heartburn usually occurs a few hours after you eat. The spasmodic contraction of the esophagus can also cause pain. Medicines are available for heartburn. When you lie down in bed, positioning your head and neck slightly higher can be a solution.

muscle strain

If you have not exercised intensively, you may not realize it, but it could also be muscle pain. The intercostal muscles can also be overloaded after slightly more intensive activity. A movement that you do not associate with normal muscle pain to a vigorous effort. With muscle pain it is a matter of getting it over with. Take it easy, exercise normally, but not excessively.


Stress is a sneaky phenomenon, because you do not immediately associate it with chest pain, at most that the stress overloads your heart. Stress can cause pressing pain in the chest, so a clear signal! Stress that turns into panic can even make you hyperventilate. When you are stressed, you need to relax and find balance. Easy to say, but not always easy to do. If you are no longer able to find a counterpart for the stress yourself, consult your doctor.


Because the lungs are in the same area, it is not surprising that something could also be wrong with the lungs. Chest pain can be caused by pneumonia (which is not always immediately recognized as pneumonia in the early stages). Furthermore, emphysema can lead to pain and of course also lung collapse. This is sometimes recognized and sometimes not immediately. If shortness of breath occurs, there is a good chance that there are problems with the lungs. Always check with your doctor if you have lung problems.

Tietze syndrome

If there is irritation of the cartilage and muscles that connect the ribs and sternum, it may be Tietze’s syndrome. It is one of the forms of inflammatory rheumatism. Moving and coughing makes the pain stronger. It cannot do any harm, but the pain can be significant, so it is best to take some painkillers.


If you still think it is the heart, then we are talking about the heart muscle that does not receive enough oxygen or heart cramps. Almost in all cases it concerns the coronary artery that is narrowed. If you move, are emotional or are stressed, the pain can increase.
It can also be heart problems, in which case, in addition to chest pain, there is usually radiation to the arms or neck and you can become quite nauseous. It goes without saying that with such forces you immediately call your doctor or, if it becomes serious, immediately the ambulance.

Serious or not

If it is clear where the pain comes from or you have any doubts, you should of course contact your doctor. But not all chest complaints can be traced back to heart problems. This is separate from the fact that it can certainly be painful and you always have to do something about it. Pain is a signal and ignoring a signal is never wise!

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