Treating epilepsy with medications

If you suffer from epilepsy, you suffer from a short circuit in the electrical conduction of the brain. There are different forms of epilepsy, which can cause different types of seizures. In some attacks a person is still conscious, but there are also attacks in which a person starts to jerk violently and is no longer conscious. The attacks can have a significant impact on your life. In some cases, medications are prescribed. This means there is a chance that the attacks will reduce or disappear completely.

What epilepsy is

Someone who has epilepsy has a disorder in electrical conduction in the brain. A kind of short circuit occurs, as it were, in which a person becomes less conscious or completely unconscious. The attack usually does not last long and there is not always a clear cause. In some cases the cause is clear, for example if someone has suffered brain damage as a result of a brain tumor, meningitis or an accident. There are different forms of epilepsy. For example, a seizure can only occur in one part of the brain, but it can also occur in the entire brain. Epilepsy affects your life.


Epilepsy can have a major impact on your life. It may be uncertain when you will have an attack and you have to take everything into account. The purpose of medications is to prevent attacks. About 70% of people benefit from medication. For them, the number of attacks will decrease or even disappear altogether. There are also people who suffer too much from the side effects. It is better for them to stop using medications. No medication is prescribed immediately after the first attack. Only from the second attack onwards will the doctor determine whether medication can help.

Different forms of epilepsy

There are different forms of epilepsy and different types of seizures. The type of medicine you need therefore differs per person. First it must be clear what type of attacks you have, then a treatment plan will be drawn up. The cause of the epilepsy may be important in determining the medication.

Sometimes medications are not necessary

The attack itself is usually not dangerous. It is about the consequences, for example when you are swimming or participating in traffic when you have an attack. If you only have very mild attacks, or only during sleep, it may be better not to use medication. There are also forms of epilepsy that have their own course, for example when it is linked to childhood. In that case, sometimes no medication needs to be prescribed and the attacks can go away later in life.

The suitable medicine

The doctor starts by prescribing a medication that he expects will suit you best. If this does not help, another medication is tried. Once a suitable medicine has been found, it will have to be given in the correct dose. The doctor starts with a low dose. If the attacks continue, the dose will be increased. A higher dose increases the risk of side effects, such as headache and fatigue.

The needs can change

Finding the right dose, also called setting, can sometimes take months. You are under the supervision of a doctor. The need for a medicine can change, even if you are well adjusted. It is possible that the attacks will return, so that you will have to adjust the dosage again. Age also plays a role. Older people process medications more slowly than younger people. A pregnant woman also needs a different dosage. About 20 to 30 percent of people are not well adjusted and suffer from attacks.

Side effects

Side effects occur regularly. After starting the medication, the body must first get used to it, this can lead to side effects that will disappear after a few weeks. Keep a close eye on the symptoms and don’t let them get too bad. You may be hypersensitive to certain ingredients in the medicines and you need a different medicine. There may also be side effects in the long term, such as:

  • Drowsiness
  • Dizziness and nausea
  • Become slower
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Changed appetite
  • Dry mouth

How to take?

You will usually receive tablets or capsules that you should take with water. Sometimes medications are available in the form of powder or drink. Most medications have an active substance with a gradual release. The advantage is that you only have to take medication once or twice a day. If you forget to take the medicine, consult your doctor about what to do. You often have to take the missed dose.

Taper off

If you have been free of attacks for a few years thanks to the medication, you may be able to start tapering off in consultation with your doctor. In many people, the seizures go away after they stop taking the medication. There are also forms of epilepsy that persist forever. In that case, it cannot be phased out. Tapering must be done gradually so that the body has the opportunity to get used to the new situation. Reducing your intake too quickly or stopping suddenly can actually provoke an attack. It can even lead to status epilepticus . This involves a major attack that does not stop or you have one attack after another. This is life-threatening.

Medicines and contraception

Some medications affect the effectiveness of the contraceptive pill. The medicines can cause the liver to work faster, making the pill no longer reliable enough. The ingredients of the pill can also affect the medications. If you start taking the pill or want to stop taking it, do this in consultation with your doctor. The dosage will also have to be adjusted during pregnancy.

read more

  • Epilepsy: what does a seizure mean and what are the symptoms?
  • Epilepsy: two different main types
  • Epilepsy: the consequences and the influence on your life
  • Epilepsy due to brain damage: symptoms and causes

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