Fruit: Nature’s healthy candy

Fruit is healthy. We are all aware of that. Fruit is packed with vitamins, minerals and important nutrients. Yet there is a big difference between the different types of fruit,… Read more

Micturition syncope: Fainting during or after urination

Sometimes a patient temporarily loses consciousness during or shortly after urination. This is called micturition syncope or micturition collapse. This fairly common condition occurs due to a severe drop in… Read more

Lightning: how to prevent lightning strikes during thunderstorms

A warm day often ends in a heavy thunderstorm. And thunder is extremely dangerous! This is partly due to the unprecedented speed at which lightning can strike. Moreover, the danger… Read more

Safe living for children and the elderly – garden and balcony

Everyone with their own garden has specific wishes regarding its design. Some would prefer to turn it into a jungle, while others prefer a ‘stone garden’ with potted plants. Working… Read more

Pamper yourself with a home spa, nice and relaxing

A day off? Then have a nice beauty day for yourself. Wonderfully relaxing and healthy! You can do this at home, so you don’t have to go to an expensive… Read more

Vascular dementia

Dementia is a description of diseases in which memory problems, mental disorders and behavioral changes are prominent. When the cause of these complaints has to do with the blood vessels… Read more

Addicted to love

Butterflies in your stomach. Not being able to think about anything other than that one person. The feeling of pleasant tension and uncertainty when you are near him or her.… Read more

Cottonseed oil: healthy for skin and hair

Cottonseed oil is also known as cotton seed oil. The oil is extracted from the seeds of the cotton plant (Gossypium genus) which is grown in the tropical and subtropical… Read more

Quitting smoking benefits: health and appearance

Quitting smoking has many short-term and long-term health benefits. Cigarettes, cigars and pipe tobacco are made from dried tobacco leaves and ingredients are also added for flavor and to make… Read more

Sunburn and freckles; in the sun without burning

Sunlight promotes the production of vitamin D and ensures that your skin produces melanin. Too much sunlight can dry out and age your skin. If you want to get a… Read more