Quality cotton: pima cotton

Just as there are many variations of other fabrics, there are also many variations of cotton. Pima cotton is one such variation. Pima cotton is the softest and strongest type… Read more

Eye allergy and eye irritation: Types, treatment and tips

Patients regularly come to an ophthalmologist’s practice with red, swollen and itchy eyes. They suffer a lot from this, which reduces their quality of life. An allergic reaction is usually… Read more

Crying as a way to release yourself

Every day we are exposed to a large number of stimuli; sensory information that we need to process. It can happen that the amount of stimuli becomes too much for… Read more

Babies that bite or biters

There’s nothing worse than having a biting baby. Biters try to sink their teeth into everything they hold. This usually doesn’t cause any harm in toys, but it is much… Read more

Lewy Body Dementia

In addition to Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, there are different forms of dementia. Because they are less common compared to Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, they are also less known. One of these… Read more

Lymph node inflammation: symptoms, cause and treatment

Inflamed lymph nodes or lymph node inflammation is an inflammation of one or more lymph nodes. Lymph node inflammation is often the result of an infection caused by bacteria. Infected… Read more

ADHD: living with ADHD

People with ADHD sometimes feel dazed, stupid, overloaded with information, lost and frustrated. For some patients, living with ADHD feels like being put in a dark room with things to… Read more

Disadvantages and advantages of kissing

Kissing, a fun activity. Yet we still do it too little. We do it a lot in the beginning of a relationship. Over time we do it less and less.… Read more

Yoga postures – surya namaskar (sun salutation)

The sun salutation (surya namaskar) consists of yoga postures that flow smoothly into each other. The exercise can be performed quickly or slowly. Do surya namaskar in the morning. It’s… Read more

Appear younger by unlearning bad habits

We all want to appear younger. Nobody wants to look old. There are a number of habits that allow you to add a number of years to your age over… Read more